Complimentary insights & guidance to help you avoid common pitfalls and start your new business in a healthy way.

  • Business Law

  • Contracts & Licensing

  • Litigation

Complimentary insights & guidance to help you avoid common pitfalls and start your new business adventure in a healthy way.

  • Business Coaching
  • Business Law
  • Contracts & Licensing








Business coaching with the authority
of a licensed attorney

Business Formation

Unsure of the best legal structure for your company? We can help you pick the best option and get it set up correctly.

Contracts & Licensing

When your legal agreements are done correctly, you’ll save time, money, and stress.


Our experienced attorneys at Gaston & Gaston will ensure you get the best deals possible.


Need a business bestie? Let Gaston & Gaston coach you to success and give you peace of mind.

Buy/Sell Agreements

The numerous options in a buy/sell agreement can be overwhelming. We will help you cut thru the clutter.

Dispute Resolutions

Disputes can be stressful and distracting. Gaston & Gaston can help you solve disputes quickly.

Why hire Gaston & Gaston for Business Coaching

Three generations of serving
small business

Fellow small
business owners

Deep & wide range of
business experience


problem solvers


“Fred Gaston is an amazing attorney. Dedicated, knowledgeable, and steadfast in representing his clients.”

Paul W.

“Had some pressing legal questions that needed some quick answers. Fred was able to reach out to me quickly and gave me some great feedback that led me to a path forward. Without going into detail about my case I can say that I’m satisfied with the solution. Found Fred to be a professional and likable guy, would use him again and recommend him to friends and family.”

Nikolai L.

“Fred was amazing to work with for the very brief time I had to work with him! Understanding, knowledgeable and best solution oriented.”

Erik H.

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